The UAE was added to the European Union list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions by the European Commission and this was the reason behind the issuance of the economic substance regulations.
Economic substance registration (ESR) is of the many initiatives taken by the UAE with regards to the requirements of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Registrar of Companies (“Registrar”) is the Regulatory Authority designated in the DIFC for the UAE Economic Substance Regulations (“ESR”). This guideline is generally issued in countries that do not have corporate taxes for complying with international initiatives in response to harmful tax practices. The main Aim of ESR is to ensure UAE is conducting activities that report actual profits in proportion to the economic activity. The Regulations and guidance apply in all UAE jurisdictions, including financial free zones such as the DIFC.
As per the ESR norms all DIFC firms that conduct one or more ‘relevant activities are required to file an Economic Substance Notification or Economic Substance Report electronically on the Ministry of Finance portal, even if they have submitted the same in the DIFC portal. The main aim of ESR is that it helps in complying with the requirements of entities incorporated in the UAE to show that the companies are conducting economic activities in the UAE.
Risians Accounting & Auditing is here to make your work easy! We are one of the best auditing and accounting firms in Dubai. We are trained to take care of all your financial needs and provide you with specified accounting and auditing services. We help companies to manage their ESR filing and help submit the ESR reports to the authorities on time.
Economic substance regulations UAE will be applicable to onshore and free zone companies that engage in any of the below mentioned “Relevant Activities”;
- Banking Businesses as licensed in the State, including Banking Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Insurance Businesses as licensed in the State, including Insurance Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Investment Fund Management Businesses as licensed in the State, including Investment Fund Management Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Lease-Finance Businesses as licensed in the State, including Lease-Finance Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Headquarters Businesses as licensed in the State, including Headquarters Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Shipping Businesses as licensed in the State, including Shipping Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Holding Company Businesses as licensed in the State, including Holding Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Intellectual Property Businesses as licensed in the State, including Intellectual Property Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Financial Free Zone.
- Distribution and Service Centers Businesses as licensed in the State, including Distribution and Service Centre’s Businesses licensed in a Free Zone or a Free Zone.
Our Services
We have an in-depth knowledge of the ESR legislation in the UAE and can assist with the substance requirements in the various jurisdictions.
This Includes
- Initial Assessment & Classification
- Substance Services & Solutions
- ESR Annual Reporting
- Documentation
- Effective Dates and Deadlines
As a result, your organization stays compliant with Economic Substance Requirements. For more information, questions or proposal requests.
Notifying & Reporting in Mainland
ith mainland notification and report filing The term Dubai, UAE is shorthand for the United Arab Emirates and refers to the mandatory reporting requirements imposed on firms in the mainland area of Dubai. These rules must be followed to avoid legal trouble, keep things open, and make for good leadership. In order to run their activities legally and avoid fines or other consequences, companies in mainland Dubai must adhere to the relevant notification and reporting procedures. Fines, legal trouble, or even the loss of a company license await those who fail to fulfill these responsibilities.
Businesses need to research the relevant legislation, consult with expert advisors, and keep meticulous records in order to comply with the ever changing regulations and standards. Businesses can increase their credibility with investors, customers, and other stakeholders by providing a transparent and well governed business environment in mainland Dubai, which Risiansaccounting can help with through their Mainland Taxation services.

Notifying & Reporting in all the free zones
Businesses operating in the UAE’s free zones are required by law to keep the appropriate authorities apprised of their operations and any significant occurrences that occur within the zones. Each free zone in the United Arab Emirates or UAE has its own regulatory structure and reporting and notification procedures to promote effective governance, transparency, and compliance. Several free zones may be found in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and the other emirates of the United Arab Emirates. The basics of reporting and alerting stay the same from one free zone to the next, even if the details of the rules and processes change.
In order to operate legally and avoid penalties or other consequences, enterprises operating within the free zones of the UAE must comply with the notifying and reporting requirements. It is critical for companies to be aware of and adhere to the requirements of the free zones in which they operate. It is essential for compliance to stay up with the legislation, consult with experts like Risians Accounting for mainland and freezone consultation, and preserve precise records. Companies operating in the UAE’s free zones that abide by their reporting and notification requirements create an environment that is trustworthy to investors, consumers, and other stakeholders.

How We’re Going to Help You?
- Consulting on Economic Substance Regulation (ESR).
- Identify the qualifying entities for Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) compliance.
- Identify the qualifying business segments for Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) compliance.
- Report and advise on overall Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) readiness by the Entity.
- Ongoing Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) compliance.
- Secretarial services in connection with Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) record maintenance.
- Economic Substance Regulation(ESR) filing with the authorities in the proper /prescribed format.